
The NCDA Governance

The National Centre for Disability Advocacy (NCDA) is a service delivered by Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA), and therefore adheres to the governance and constitution of DANA.

DANA’s Constitution specifies the rules of governance including for the DANA board, the election of directors and membership and associate membership of DANA. It was last amended in December 2021.

Read the full DANA Constitution here: Constitution, as amended 14 Dec 2021

Read the full DANA Strategic Plan here: DANA Strategic Plan 2023 – 2025

You can find out more about the DANA (and NCDA) governance on the Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA) website.

The priorities and activities of the NCDA have been designed in close consultation with the disability advocacy sector and other relevant stakeholders.   

NCDA is a service delivered by Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA).

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